Multipurpose coupling wrench

Aria coupling wrench features:

  • Made of compressed plastic and a layer of very strong steel reinforcement
  • Ability to open and close different sizes of German fittings
  • Lightweight with proper ergonomics and ease of use without hand fatigue

The multi-purpose coupling wrench is a type of multi-purpose wrench that was presented and registered for the first time by Ariakupling. This wrench is used to open and close all types of German couplings (STORZ), barrel lids, and open and close the five-pin screw of stand-up fire fighting valves. In this way, instead of carrying and moving several wrenches, you can carry only one light and strong wrench. The use of a layer of strong steel sheet between the compressed plastic body of the wrench has made this product more durable to impact. The industrial design of this product named Ariakupling has been registered.

Additional information


height of 16 meters


Force of 18 kilonewtons


Duration of 24 hours and temperature of 150 degrees Celsius

Cases of use

• Connecting different fire hoses to each other and increasing their length
• Can be used to connect the faucet to water supply and fire extinguishing systems
• Connecting the hoses to the fire extinguisher nozzles
Connecting fire hoses to pumps and standing valves (hydrants)
• Application in hose rail and fire box connections
• Connecting fire hoses to the Siamese valve


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