Single cabin fire extinguisher

Features of Ariacoupling fire fighting box:
Protection of fire fighting equipment in different buildings
Ability to install fire hose rail, reel with flat hose and hose rack inside the box
Production in surface and built-in types for installation on the wall
Produced in red, cream, white and black colors
Production in three types of steel sheet, steel door and frame and all steel
The ability to design and produce in a variety of colors, dimensions and customized designs
Using standard locks with fast opening and closing and multi-stage plating
Use of strong plated hinges with long life
Proper and beautiful packaging to prevent damage to the product in the transportation process
Ability to produce specialized fire extinguisher box (capsule box)
The ability to install a transparent cover to see the accessories inside the box

1. Dimensions of a single-cabin fire box:

The standard dimensions of a single-cabin fire box are 17x75x65 and 20x75x65 (in centimeters).

2. The dimensions of a fire box with two horizontal cabins:

The standard dimensions of a horizontal two-cabin fire box are 20x75x95 (in centimeters).

3. Dimensions of a fire box with two vertical cabins:

The standard dimensions of a fire box with two vertical cabins are 20x75x160 (in centimeters).

4. Dimensions of the fire extinguisher box:

The dimensions of a fire extinguisher box are 23x30x75 (in centimeters).
Built-in fire extinguisher box:

If the architect of the building has considered a place to place the fire extinguisher inside the wall, you can use the built-in fire extinguisher. The body of this box is completely placed inside the wall and what is exposed will be the door and frame of the box.

Fire fighting box in operation:

If it is not possible to install a built-in fire extinguisher in the wall, surface fire extinguishers are considered a solution and maintain firefighting equipment.

Types of open and built-in fire extinguishers:

Depending on the equipment that is supposed to be placed in a fire box, the types of built-in fire extinguishers are: single cabin box, two horizontal cabin fire box (twin), two vertical cabin box (two floors and capsule box). In addition to these, manufacturers have the possibility to produce customized fire boxes.

A firebox is a resistant container, usually made of steel or steel, which is used to store fire fighting equipment (including hose rail, hose rack, etc.) in urban and industrial environments. Although this product alone does not have the ability to fire extinguishing operations, but because it is supposed to protect the basic fire extinguishing equipment inside it for years, it should be installed and maintained according to the rules and requirements of the standard production.

As the name suggests, the fire box is designed to store a special device: fire hose rail, fire hose reel and hose rack are among the equipment that are placed in single cabin fire boxes and in two types of fire boxes. The built-in address and the surface fire box are made of steel sheet and stainless steel.

Additional information

Types of fire boxes

Production in surface and built-in types for installation on the wall

Manufactured material

Production in three types of steel sheets, steel doors and frames, and all steel


1. Dimensions of a single-cabin fire box:

The standard dimensions of a single-cabin fire box are 17x75x65 and 20x75x65 (in centimeters).
2. The dimensions of a fire box with two horizontal cabins:

The standard dimensions of a horizontal two-cabin fire box are 20x75x95 (in centimeters).
3. Dimensions of a fire box with two vertical cabins:

The standard dimensions of a fire box with two vertical cabins are 20x75x160 (in centimeters).
4. Dimensions of the fire extinguisher box:

The dimensions of a fire extinguisher box are 75 x 30 x 23 cm (in centimeters).


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